Father’s Day 2013

Firstly, a big Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there. There have been some highs and lows over the last few days for us, but overall Molly seems to be moving in the right direction. Even one of her doctors said she is doing better than he thought she would be doing at this point. Yesterday Molly had some uncontrollable arm movements, similar to what she experienced before her seizure so it was concerning for everyone. Her neurologist increased her seizure meds and today she seemed to be much improved so that was a huge relief. Although she is much more awake now, she is having trouble communicating and seems to be very frustrated about that. She is wise beyond her years and is normally very articulate so it must be hard for her. She has managed to say a few words here and there “wuwu” (pacifier), “yes”, “owee”, “bye bye” and “momma”. But it is a struggle and even her cry is very quiet still. The doctors think she just needs time to recover and adjust to the meds but it is hard to watch her struggle. Today she was moved from ICU back to the BMT ward which is very positive progress. It means she is no longer considered critical and is stable enough to return to the ward. Molly seemed to be relieved to be back on the ward too, as she was a little more relaxed this afternoon. Tomorrow she will have another chimerism test, EKG and then on Tuesday she will have another MRI. The neurologist feels enough time has past to see what damage is irreversible and what will likely recover with time. Tuesday will be a big day for our Molly and our hope is that she continues to recover and get a little stronger each day. We are confident that eventually she will be storming the halls again soon enough. We will be praying for great results on all her up coming tests.

We are so completely overwhelmed by the love and support we are receiving from back home. We want to say a huge thank you to our friends, family and community who hosted a very successful garage sale in Molly’s honour and to those who donated items and came out to shop. Also to the Team4Hope crew that had a BBQ/ Car Wash to help us and Cancer Research. Thank you all so very much, we are so touched and so very appreciative. Words can never express how much the support means to us. Thank You!


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