Happy Almost 4th of July

It is rarely ever a quiet day in Molly’s room and even the quiet days are busy with nurses in and out turning Molly to prevent more bedsores, taking vitals, blood work, adjusting settings and administering meds. On Monday the doctors decided that they wanted have a bronchoscopy, something that has been a topic of conversation since she came to the icu. Molly had not been stable enough to have it done earlier when it may have provided some answers. Mostly because of the critical state she was intubated in, the doctors were only able to get a very small ET tube down her airway. This tube was to small to use for a bronch, so having this procedure now also meant changing out her ET tube and there are risks involved in this. By doing the bronchoscopy we knew that we may not get any answers as to why Molly’s lungs were so sick because by this point she had been on such a broad spectrum of antibiotics, fungels, and virals that the cultures likely won’t grow anything anyways. So the idea behind doing it now is that if the fluid in her lungs was clear the doctors could at least begin to remove some of the many drugs that she is currently on. After a lot of thought and prayer we decided to go ahead with the procedure. On Tuesday the ET tube was replaced and the scope was done. Everything went relatively well, and the fluid they retrieved from her lungs has been sent for a battery of tests. Molly is still resting and although her lungs show improvement from the initial X-ray they are a long way from being fully recovered. Molly has had to stay on the paralytic so that she won’t work to hard fighting against the vent and keeping her well sedated and paralyzed as been an ongoing struggle as she continues to build up her resistance to the drugs, so finding new drugs is the new plan. The kids are looking forward to celebrating there first 4th of July in Memphis but today enjoyed a little taste of home, a ups package of Mount Royal bagels and French vanilla cream cheese (courtesy of Gramma Didi). If you live in Victoria you can imagine the withdrawals the kids have been going thru. They are gearing up for tomorrows festivities with a Stars and Stripes 5k run this evening and are excited about the fireworks tomorrow night. I feel like I have been only asking God for things lately but today finally we are giving thanks to God for 100% donor 2 cells on Molly’s latest chimerism and the progress that has been made as well as will still be made. We are so very thankful. Today has been a good day and it feels like it has been a long while since the last one of those. We will continue to take each day as it comes and we are hoping all of the excitement of the next few days will take place outside of the hospital and that Molly will have quiet healing days ahead. We are incredibly grateful for all the ongoing love, support, and prayers for our little girl.


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