After spending last night on the bi-pap machine, they decided to intubate Molly again this afternoon as her stats kept dropping. When they took off her bi-pap mask to start intubation, Molly crashed. They started chest compressions, a defibrillator was used and finally a team of what felt like 100 people managed to get the tiniest little tube down her swollen airway. Then 3 hours of manually bagging her and several failed attempts to hook her up to machines, they were finally able to get her onto an ocsillator machine which provides more support than the ventalator she was on just last week. I will never ever forget the utter helplessness of kneeling on the floor outside Molly’s room begging God to save my little girl. We nearly lost our little girl several times today and although she is now in stable but critical condition, she will have a huge battle ahead of her to be able to recover and get off these machines. The next 24 hours are once again critical. Her breathing issues came on suddenly and the doctors best guess as to what is going on, is that she may have a type of pneumonia. But at this point she is not stable enough to try other avenues to figure it out. As she is heavily sedated, she is also hooked back up to the EEG machine. She was supposed to have that yesterday but it was postponed when we made the move back to icu. So again we begin another vigil. We are watching her helplessly, watching the machines that are keeping alive and we are just thankful that she is still here with us. We are asking that you join us in prayer for a miracle for Molly.
Molly Campbell
& The Campbell Family