Thursday Update

We have had a very difficult few days. On Tuesday Molly’s blood gases started to travel in the wrong direction and she wound up needing to be taken off the oscillator and manually bagged while they suctioned mucus out of her lungs. Yesterday was more of the same having to manually bag her twice. It is incredibly hard to stand here and hold her hand and not be able to do anything else. I know how scared we have been through all this, I can only imagine how scary it is for her. So we have not made progress forward, more like side to side and back. Adjusting to life in the icu is different, it is always busy in her little room and at times you feel very much in the way. Until now we have been the only patient in the icu so there is always an abundance of nurses and hands to help and Molly is very good at keeping everyone busy.

Even the doctors have not been able to go home as she keeps them on there toes 24 hours a day, and every 48 it is a new icu doctor. Her latest xray shows improvment from a week ago so we are hopeful that after a week of every antibiotic, fungal, viral meds that this virus might be near the end of its course and her lungs will begin to recover and build up there reserve. Molly has not been stable enough to even turn at this point and pressure sores are a concern.Yesterday we got news that her chimerism from Monday is now 99-100% donor2 ( Beks cells) so her doctors are removing her ammu suppression. We have been her before and we have seen how quickly these results can change so even the smallest change is a huge concern. It has been hard to even concentrate on her transplant while we are so focus on getting her to a more stable state, but now we will be praying and anxiously waiting for the results of next Mondays chimerism. Molly is strong each day she fights through something new and we are blessed that she is here with us moving forward. Please continue to pray for our little girl, she is still waiting for her miracle.


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