Update Sunday.

Not to much change over the last few days, yesterday Molly was the most stable she has been and she tolerated weaning down a wee bit on her oscillator settings and oxygen as her blood gases improved. There has been no change on her chest X-rays and her lungs are still very sick but she has had a few moves in the right direction and for that we are so thankful. Progress is progress no matter how small. Today though she had a bit of a bump when her heart rate and blood pressure were erratic and we had to begin to rule out possible causes. One of which could be seizure activity. So molly is hooked back up to the EEG and will be monitored for the next 24 hours or so. Hopefully if it is seizure activity it is something small that can easily be corrected by medication adjustments. It is just so hard to add another worry to the situation. It was 2 years ago today that Molly received her new cord blood cells and those wonderful cells took us out of the hospital and home for nearly a year and a half. Right now we are in constant prayer that our baby will get thru this and we are looking forward to much happier times to come.


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